Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

1. How old is Selena Gomez? Selena Gomez was born on July 22, 1992, which makes her 29 years old[1].

2. Who is Selena Gomez dating? Selena Gomez keeps her private life relatively low-key. She had several public relationships in the past, including with Justin Bieber. For the most recent relationship status, it’s best to consult current news sources.

3. How tall is Selena Gomez? Selena Gomez stands approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall[2].

4. Where to watch Selena Gomez documentary? Selena Gomez has not released a standalone documentary about her life. However, she has been part of various documentaries and series. Her cooking show, “Selena + Chef,” is available on HBO Max[3].

5. What disease does Selena Gomez have? Selena Gomez has been diagnosed with lupus, an autoimmune disease[4].

6. What happened to Selena Gomez? Selena Gomez has faced health challenges related to lupus, which led her to undergo a kidney transplant. She’s also been candid about mental health issues and underwent treatment for anxiety and depression[4].

7. Where is Selena Gomez from & where was she born? Selena Gomez was born in Grand Prairie, Texas, USA[1].

8. Who gave Selena Gomez a kidney? Her friend, actress Francia Raisa, donated a kidney to Selena in 2017[4].

9. Where does Selena Gomez live? It’s known that she has residences in California, but exact current living details might be private for security reasons.

10. How much is Selena Gomez worth? Estimates suggest Selena Gomez has a net worth of approximately $75 million[5].

11. What happened to Selena Gomez’s dad? Selena’s parents, Mandy Teefey and Ricardo Gomez, divorced when she was five. Ricardo Gomez is alive but not frequently in the public eye[1].

12. When is Selena Gomez’s birthday? Her birthday is on July 22, 1992[1].

13. What is Selena Gomez’s ethnicity? She is of Mexican descent on her father’s side and has Italian ancestry on her mother’s side[1].

14. What happened to Selena Gomez’s face? Selena has faced comments about her weight fluctuations, a side effect of the medication for lupus. As for specific changes to her face, there haven’t been significant public incidents.

15. Who is Selena Gomez? Selena Gomez is an American singer, actress, and producer. She initially gained fame as a child actress in “Barney & Friends” and later starred in Disney Channel’s “Wizards of Waverly Place” before transitioning to a successful music career[1].

16. How much does Selena Gomez weigh? Specific weight details for celebrities can fluctuate and might not be publicly disclosed. As of my last update, there isn’t a verified weight for Selena Gomez.

17. Who is the father of Selena Gomez’s baby & how old is Selena Gomez’s daughter? There’s no public record of Selena Gomez having a child.

18. Why did Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez break up? Their relationship was on and off for several years, with both facing personal and professional challenges. The specifics of their breakups were private, though they’ve alluded to challenges in their relationship in various songs and interviews[6].

I hope this provides an extensive overview of Selena Gomez for you.

[1]: “Selena Gomez.” IMDb. Link

[2]: “Selena Gomez’s Height.” CelebHeights. Link

[3]: “Selena + Chef.” HBO Max. Link

[4]: Today. “Selena Gomez reveals she had kidney transplant due to lupus.” Link

[6]: E! News. “Inside Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s Rekindling and Why They’re “Laying Low” – For Now.” Link